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標題: [檔案傳輸]μTorrent 2.0 Build 17539 Beta_非常小巧的 BT 客戶端 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 39212
  發文 3507
  註冊 2008-8-20
  狀態 離線
#1  [檔案傳輸]μTorrent 2.0 Build 17539 Beta_非常小巧的 BT 客戶端

【軟體名稱】: μTorrent 2.0 Build 17539 Beta/ 1.8.5 Build 17414/ 2.1 Build 17350 Alpha
【檔案大小】:476 KB
【放置空間】:badongo/ nakido

Changes in Version 1.8.5 (build 17414), 2009-11-25:
- Fix: catches crashes in bad DLLs
- Change: relaxed the requirements on bencoded integers to parse some broken torrents
- Fix: fixed uTP crash in edge condition
- Fix: Fixed HTTPS connections where received response was more than one packet

Changes in Version 2.0 Beta (build 17539), 2009-12-09:
- Change: Added auto restart feature for use in minimized mode.
- Change: on Windows 7 default to not minimize to tray
- Change: silently add multiple torrents when more than 5 torrents are added using drag'n'drop
- Change: tell user about buggy 3rd party software that might degrade uTorrent performance
- Fix: Transfer Cap tab in preferences would display incorrect Uploaded / Downloaded

Changes in Version 2.1 alpha (build 17350), 2009-11-18:
- Fix: catches crashes in bad DLLs
- Fix: accept magnet links through add-url webUI
- Fix: More strict https connection state management for halfopen accounting.
- Feature: A new tunable option in advanced setting for failover peer speed threshold
- Fix: Problem during install toolbar offer
- Change: relaxed the requirements on bencoded integers to parse some broken torrents
- Fix: svn revision in PeerID on PPC now takes endianness into account
- Fix: added socket state logging when draining read socket to prevent false asserts
- Change: fixed nationalization support so it no longer depends on Windows functions
- Change: added checks for heap corruption that caused crash in uTP
- Change: improved stability by making all executable pages not writable
- Fix: fixed stack overflow when copying peer list
- Fix: fixed allocation regression in connection to peers
- Change: enable multiple instances of the client to run on multi-user machines (e.g. fast user switching)
- Fix: fixed uTP crash in edge condition
- Fix: fixed crash when icmp.dll wouldn't contain the expected functions
- Fix: fixed crash when closing add torrent dialog while dragging a column
Homepage - http://utorrent.com

μTorrent 2.0 Build 17539 Beta

μTorrent 2.0 Build 17539 Beta

μTorrent 1.8.5 Build 17414

μTorrent 1.8.5 Build 17414

μTorrent 2.1 Build 17350 Alpha

μTorrent 2.1 Build 17350 Alpha

確保下載的軟體能正常使用,請使用 WinRAR 3.90 Final 版本解壓

2009-12-10 10:33 PM
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