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標題: [E書分享]大英百科全書系列:魚和兩棲動物(英文原版)-PDF-快樂試用版 [打印本頁]

作者: temp.last     時間: 2014-8-6 08:42 PM    標題: [E書分享]大英百科全書系列:魚和兩棲動物(英文原版)-PDF-快樂試用版

【雜誌名稱】:Britannica Illustrated Science Library:Fish and Amphibians
Fish and Amphibians, is one book in the Britannica Illustrated Science Library Series that is correlated to the science curriculum in grades 5-8. The Britannica Illustrated Science Library is a visually compelling series that covers earth science, life science, and physical science in 18 titles. Created for ages 10 and up, each title provides an overview on a subject and thoroughly explains it through detailed and powerful graphics-more than 1,000 per volume-that turn complex subjects into information that students can grasp. Each title contains a glossary with full definitions for vocabulary help and an index.

General Characteristics
Life in the Water
People,Fish,and Amphibians


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