網際論壇 - 網路與多媒體 - REAPER 2.43 強大的多音軌錄製和音頻編輯軟件
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標題: REAPER 2.43 強大的多音軌錄製和音頻編輯軟件 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 4349
  發文 166
  註冊 2008-7-24
  狀態 離線
#1  REAPER 2.43 強大的多音軌錄製和音頻編輯軟件

【軟體名稱】:REAPER 2.43

強大的多音軌錄製和音頻編輯軟件,提供了靈活且易用的界面,對音頻愛好者和專業人士同樣適合。支持DirectX/VST plug-ins 和ASIO驅動,VSTi樂器等。你能夠透過 REAPER 來同時導入數首音樂,並且對他們進行從新編排、結合、延遲、特效添加等動作,並且導出最後的結果成 WAV 檔案,讓你的朋友們也能夠欣賞到你所製作的混音舞曲。

Changes in REAPER v2.43 - July 30 2008:
* New actions: split item at media cues, shrink to first or last cue (or both)
* New actions: mute/unmute, solo/unsolo (in addition to existing toggle) selected tracks
* New meta-actions: wait 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 seconds before next action
* Fixed bug in importing embedded loops when one end of the loop is hidden
* MIDI editor: display project markers and regions
* MIDI editor: actions to shorten or lengthen selected notes by one pixel or one grid unit
* MIDI editor: updates timeline when moving item
* MIDI editor show play cursor regardless of full item visibility in project
* Better shortcut matching (avoid load-time collisions between num+ and +, etc)
* Item playrates are now clamped to 0.01x/100.0x
* Added tcp_main_namebg and mcp_main_namebg theme elements
* Fixed mousewheel in docked midi editors
* ReaFIR: smoother interpolation for EQ curve
* ReaNinjam: added "Send" button to chat window for WINE users
* JS: new smaller JS DLL (compiled with MSVC, internal cleanups)
* JS: no more memcpy() page granularity issues
* VSTi: potential fix for faulty plug-ins that do not handle all-note-offs very sensibly
* Better transport sizing when using large system fonts


2008-7-31 11:16 AM
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