網際論壇 - 系統工具程式 - 失連[系統工具]Password Depot Professional 5.1.2 個人密碼管理工具
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標題: 失連[系統工具]Password Depot Professional 5.1.2 個人密碼管理工具 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 7733
  發文 677
  註冊 2005-12-24
  狀態 離線
#1  失連[系統工具]Password Depot Professional 5.1.2 個人密碼管理工具

軟體名稱: Password Depot Professional
軟體版本: v5.1.2
軟體語言: 多國語言
軟體大小: 7.9 MB
軟體功能: 密碼管理
下載方式: http

Password Depot 是一個功能強大的個人密碼管理工具。易於使用,特點鮮明,應用BlowFish、Rijndael 技術進行最新加密。允許你完全破壞新建的檔,重新設定密碼保護!支援換膚功能,介面也非常漂亮和人性化。

Password Security:
• Best protection of your data due to double encryption with Rijndael 256! Your password list is protected twice: with the master password and with an internal key.
• Protection from keylogging (intercepting of keystrokes) – All password fields are internally protected from keylogging.
• Password Depot leaves no trace of your passwords in the RAM. So even an attempt by a hacker to use your computer and try to browse the cryptic memory dumps for passwords - a theoretical option - would be defeated.
• Clipboard protection – Password Depot automatically detects any active clipboard viewers and masks its changes to the keyboard; after performingauto-complete, all sensitive data isautomatically cleared from the clipboard.
• The integrated password generator creates virtually uncrackable passwords: instead of passwords like "sweetheart" or "John", which can both be cracked in a few minutes, you now use passwords like "g\/:1bmV5T$x_sb}8T4@CN?\A:y:Cwe-k)mUpHiJu:0md7p@


[ Last edited by VIN123 on 2011-5-6 at 07:27 PM ]

2010-8-27 08:45 PM
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  積分 3234
  發文 763
  註冊 2006-4-1
  來自 tachia
  狀態 離線


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