網際論壇 - 系統工具程式 - [磁碟工具]Raxco PerfectDisk 12.267 PRO + Keys (MU/X6@JD/MP/IE@49.1MB)
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標題: [磁碟工具]Raxco PerfectDisk 12.267 PRO + Keys (MU/X6@JD/MP/IE@49.1MB) 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 885
  發文 56
  註冊 2008-10-22
  狀態 離線
#1  [磁碟工具]Raxco PerfectDisk 12.267 PRO + Keys (MU/X6@JD/MP/IE@49.1MB)

-Software Name (軟件名稱):Raxco PerfectDisk 12.267 PRO + Keys
-Software Version (軟件版本):12.267
-Software Nature (軟件性質):Software
-Software Type (軟件類型):Exe
-Software Capacity (軟件容量):49.1MB
-Software Language (軟件語言):English
-Upload Space (上傳空間):Multiupload + Xun6
-Upload Date (上傳日期):The same day
-Download Ways (下載方法):MiPony, JDownloader, HTTP, Thunder.
-Download Links (下載地址):Under the article.

Xun6: http://www.xun6.com/file/804b131 ... PRO+++Keys.exe.html
Multiupload: http://www.multiupload.com/QFLZRJ9FUK

-Extract Ciphers (解壓密碼):lamkelvin_by_FDZone.ORG
-Extract Ways (解壓方法):Open the Exe file, Select extract place, and enter the ciphers.
-Files Come From (資源來源):Internet (網絡)
-ReUpolad Times (再上傳時限):One year. Please send me private message as long as you want me to reupload this for you.

-Software Introduction (軟件介紹):

PerfectDisk 是一款專為優化硬碟而設的軟件,有別一般或視窗系統內設的硬碟重組軟件,





Pro Disk Defragmentation
● Faster web browsing and downloads
● Better photo and video editing experience
● Maximize streaming media performance  
● S.M.A.R.T. monitoring of physical drives
● Advanced reporting and setting control features
● Designed for today's power user looking for optimum PC performance

PerfectDisk 12 provides smarter optimization for all your drives, 30% faster analyze and defragmentation passes so you can work and play even faster, plus it saves energy costs by reducing the use of CPU and disk I/O resources.
Which PerfectDisk edition is right for you?
Fragmentation Prevention with OptiWrite™
PerfectDisk's new OptiWrite™ technology prevents most fragmentation on your drive before it occurs, which prevents your system from slowing down. OptiWrite™ detects when Windows is going to fragment files and intelligently redirects I/O to stop the fragmentation from occuring. System performance is maintained and the need to utilize CPU and Disk I/O resources to defragment files is greatly reduced. Because less defragmentation is needed, there is a direct benefit in the form of energy saved in both CPU usage and in the reading and writing to a disk. It saves users both in energy costs and in the time required to defragment a file system.
Intelligent Disk Optimization
For the limited fragmentation that can still occur, PerfectDisk's patented SMARTPlacement optimization strategy optimizes disk drives according to your unique usage patterns. SMARTPlacement results in the most consolidated free space available, the elimination of most fragmentation before it occurs, and a reduced rate of fragmentation.
SSD Optimize is an optimization method for SSDs that focuses on free space consolidation without defragmentation of files. Solid State Drives are not affected by file fragmentation like traditional electromechanical disk drives. As such, it will leave files in a fragmented state while consolidating free space into large pieces.
Auto-Optimization for Complete Unattended Optimization
PerfectDisk’s exclusive StealthPatrol™ tab is used to set automatic fragmentation prevention and optimize your system when it isn't busy. Auto-optimization affords you the flexibility to optimize your system when it is idle or when the Windows screensaver is active. Auto-optimization provides the flexibility to not run during certain periods of the day or when a user-defined application is running. No other defrag or optimization utility proves this level of flexibility.
Advanced Boot Time Defrag
An important factor in faster PC performance is a thorough boot time defrag. PerfectDisk's advanced boot time defrag capability is able to defragment files that otherwise would remain fragmented such as the Windows pagefile.sys or the file system's MFT (Master File Table) and provides the best boot time defrag operation.
Total disk defragmentation and free space consolidation
PerfectDisk offers the most comprehensive solution for defragmentation by optimizing virtually every file on the system, including the Master File Table (MFT), all NTFS metadata files, paging files, directories, and datafiles, and completely consolidating free space. And it does it all in a single pass. There's also a Selected Files Defrag option that is useful for defragmenting very large files such as video files, rather than defragmenting the entire drive.
S.M.A.R.T. Monitoring
New S.M.A.R.T. monitoring capabilities monitor the status of physical drives. It generates warnings and alerts for hardware performance and reliability, helping you ensure you are aware of any potential hardware problems.
CPU and I/O - control Resource Throttling
Perfectdisk provieds resource throttling capabilities to manage resource usage as efficiently as possible. I/O throttling allows PerfectDisk to run on very busy disks without imposing additional load on the disk. CPU throttling allows you to raise or lower the CPU priority at which it runs. PerfectDisk uses very minimal CPU resources in its standard processing.

-Software Screenshot (軟件應用介面):

-How to Crack? (破解教學):




-If you still cannot patch the software, you can see the article in the annex,
even you can send the private message to me.


-Feedbacks (用後心得):





-Free Statement (免責訊息):
1.This all come form Internet, Do not use to sale and please delete in 24 hours!
2.Please support right software, do not use to sale and delete in 24 hours!

-「Please reply this, let more person can download.」

-"Please following below to reply":

Download:OK / No
Extract:OK / No
Other suggestion :


-More cracked software application share or can not see photos,
Please turn to this address: http://lamkelvinsoftware.blogspot.com/

2011-6-16 12:19 PM
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