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標題: 【晨禱】—謝謝 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 180
  發文 24
  註冊 2015-7-4
  狀態 離線
#1  【晨禱】—謝謝


One United States women opportunities which accompanied by a claim of "real tribes" of Australian aborigines, on foot, and roaming sinister, the vast Australian outback deserts and everywhere is full of thorns up to April, the writing of the spiritual journey.

"Real tribe" indigenous people can feel "loved" and "peace", has a wealth of creativity, imagination, and they continue to learn, evolve, in a series of trials, test test again, will continue to grow.

They did not expect perfection of the flesh, that keep to the truth, to good governance in the flesh, is the beauty of life.

They actively explore the potential of human instincts, develop fine observation of the habits, hearing, sight, smell, sensation reaches a supernatural realm, even without using words, sincerity, openness, tolerance, acceptance of the psychic, is able to communicate with each other.

They valued sharing, think better, happy feeling, retain in memory, is truly have, rather than the desire of possession.

They cherish happiness, gratitude, daily morning prayers must, for another day, for themselves and their friends, to the world, to say thank you, to God, to the nature of the universe.







2015-7-6 07:43 AM
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